BMX Freestyle Professional Rider & Photographer


Nippon BMX Flatland

Sport Documentary

After my first trip to japan in 2010, I have got really impressed, how big and organized was the Flatland scene at that moment. For this time in 2013, I had the idea to film more and produce a longer video instead of the usual  clip of only tricks. We’ve decided together with Irene Rojas Erlenbach from Wildschnitt, to produce a short film documentary about the development of BMX Flatland Culture in Japan. That’s how I decided to stay a longer time, to get really involved in the scene. It was a really exiting and productive time over there. Just melting with japanese riders, showed me many things about their scene and the way of thinking they have to develop the sport all around the country.

Fortunately BMX riders Kotaro Tanaka and Hiroshi Uehara got really exited about the idea, so we started to film in many locations around Tokyo. We had also the opportunity to travel to Kobe and Sanda, where we met more local riders!

After these two trips, I have got a ton of material of riding, locations and so on. But for us as filmmakers, we wanted to know more about the development of BMX Flatland as sub-urban culture. We have prepared a questionary to Kotaro and Hiroshi, two of the main promoters of the sport in Japan. The thing was, if  we wanted something really original, we should have the interview in their own Language! Kotaro and Hiroshi managed to translate their speech to English for Global understanding, Arigato!

I hope this short film documentary not only helps Japanese scene, also it should help all of us: riders, promoters, brands, etc to understand that if we push together the sport, we will have in the future a stronger and healthier community! ONE LOVE BMX FLATLAND!

Thanks to all the people, who supported this project. We really had a good time editing during many days and hours this project, pushing ourselves to have the video as clean and interesting as possible!





Full Movie:

NIPPON BMX FLATLAND from Wildschnitt on Vimeo.

Lima in Flammen 2

After more than 30,000 km

All the way long from Japan, through Germany and Peru. The Frame finally came back to Berlin a few days ago for the High-End process. It means, that we have applied a solid compound of Glossy Clear Lacquer over the Artwork for a better durability. Normally this product is used to protect car parts…This time we will try it with some BMX Flatland Abuse! Have a look to the Gallery!

Photos by : © Wildschnitt

Lima in Flammen

 Bike Frame Painting

Lima in Flammen

The idea has begun, the last time, that I have visited Peru. Together with good friend and Urban artist Seimiek from Lima, we have decided to do a collaboration artwork, that joins urban art and sport. So, what better that use the frame of my bike to represent it! After our first test with the Blitz frame a few months ago, trying to find the best way to apply the right technique, colors, and design, we have got the first version:  “The Blaue Blitz”.

Camilo Gutierrez Rodriguez - Photography

For this Second time, we are using “The LASH” , the new BMX Flatland frame of Autum Bicycles from Germany. We have improved some stuff to get a better result with the paint durability and also the design. This paint artwork is called: “LIMÅ IN FLÅMMEN” (english: Flames). Under this tittle, our idea is to join both cities, Lima: where I grew up and Berlin: where I live and ride BMX. That’s how we have chosen the colors of the sunset in Lima and the head of a Berliner Bear, the symbol of the German Capital, to represent this connection between both places.

We will keep posting more pictures of the Hand Made process in Lima, and then follow the Frame in its way back to Germany for the End process in Berlin. Here the first pictures from Peru.

Photos by: © Seimiek / Wildschnitt

Lima in Flammen




New G-SHOCK Video

“White Box”

A couple of Months ago, we met in Berlin with the International Team to film this new concept video: ” White Box”.  Filmed in a Studio around Kreuzberg. Check some interviews in French, German, Peruvian and Czech…and also some slow motion effect. Thanks for the Support, Arigato!

Hit the link or the images to Watch it! : G-SHOCK “WHITE BOX” VIDEO

Camilo Gutierrez BMX PRO Rider

Camilo Gutierrez BMX PRO Rider



Behind the Scenes:


Camilo Gutierrez BMX PRO Rider

Camilo Gutierrez BMX PRO Rider

Camilo Gutierrez BMX PRO Rider



Mission Japan

 1st Part: Phone Gallery

After 24 days around Japan, finally I come back home and start to process all the material, that I got from this trip. Many adventures and new experiences with friends & colleagues from all around the world.

The trip has begun in Tokyo, just after the Taifun hit Japan. First days together with the 430 crew and some peruvian – japanese Childhood friends. Then continue to Kobe for Flat Ark Contest, big event in japan for sure!

Come back to Tokyo,  take more footage and do a funny demo in a discotheque in Shibuya with 430 Crew. Finally headed to Makuhari Messe for Cycle Mode International bike trade show to do demos and workshops together with Jykk Japan Team. Mainly I spent the whole day riding Bmx or doing something related to Bmx freestyle, taking pics, filming around the city or meeting new people.

Camilo Gutierrez Rodriguez - Photography


Good Times in Japan!

thanks to all the people and Sponsors, who support this trip:
 Autum bicyclesG-SHOCKt430 CrewJykk Japan & Wildschnitt.

Check the !phone pictures gallery and a little clip of the BMX Flatland show at Cycle Mode.

Soon more news!

Arigato Gosaimas.

“Freestyle” Project feat. Viki Gomez


Camilo Gutierrez Rodriguez - Photography

“Freestyle” Project featuring BMX Flatland World Champion Jorge “Viki” Gomez.

Few Months ago I have visited Friend and BMX Flatland Rider Jorge “Viki” Gomez in his new hometown: Luxembourg city. After talking during a few months, we have decided to produce something together, as we did it back in the days in Santiago in 2007. Check the result of 5 days of  filming, hard riding and Photo shooting around the beautiful city of Luxembourg. Filmed during the last days of this Winter 2013.



Full Movie

Interview Deutsche Welle

Camilo Gutierrez  DW interview

Deutsche Welle TV Interview

German Tv Program ” Alemania con Acento”, invited me to talk about BMX Freestyle, Photography and Urban expressions. They will transmit the program in the Latin american and Spanish Channel. I’m really glad to have this opportunity to share my knowledge about the Sport, the Urban movement and my Visual Projects.

Click the image to Watch it!

VELOBerlin Film Award 2013

Camilo Gutierrez_ AUTUMN_ Velo Berlin

Last weekend was held the ceremony for the VELOBerlin film Awards in Berlin. Our BMX Film got the 2nd prize in the final run of the Audience vote. There were around 300 films from 60 countries in the preview phase. We are really happy, that our short film was considered as one of best short films worldwide about “Cycling and the City”. 

Thanks a lot for your support.

More info:

During the Online Voting time, the Zeit Online newspaper wrote a nice article about the film competition: